
Walk for Patient Safety and Light UP the Opera House in Orange in 2020

Walk for Patient Safety and Light UP the Opera House in Orange in 2020

"Great! The orange "Bottle the Art" wall is so beautiful!" "Wow! Even the petal-like water column of the pool is orange!" At night of 17th National Taichung Theater looked like very international! Nearly a thousand people gathered in the outdoor square and they couldn't help but marvel when seeing the orange lights on the pool and the wall “Bottle the Art”. In response to World Patient Safety Day on September 17, the "Walk for Patient Safety and Light UP the Opera House in Orange in 2020" , hosted by the association and the Taiwan Patient Safety Culture Club, started when the night fell. We promoted the concept of patient safety by lighting up lamps, and all participants witnessed this historic moment.

In 2019, the WHO designated September 17 each year as World Patient Safety Day. In response to the WHO light-up activity the American Patient Safety Movement Foundation recommended all partners around the world (47 countries in total) to set up the orange light on representative buildings of the country on that day standing for support. In addition, many partners around the worldwere invited to participate in the “March for Patient Safety” event, held in Washington DC on that day. However, because of uncontrol of epidemic COVID-19 the Association decided to organizethe activity in Taiwan instead.

Chairman Chan Liao Mingi said that this is the first event that Taiwan has responded to since the World Health Organization (WHO) set World Patient Safety Day last year. People from various health care related groups, government and academia were invited to participate together through TPSCC(Taiwan Patinet Safety Culture Club
). The event was held to coordinate with other cities around the world to respond simultaneously, so that Taiwan international visibility of "anti-epidemic success" and "valuing patient safety" increases, and speaks to the world!

Although Taiwan has been being discarded by the WHO from the international medical and health network for a long time. Although Taiwan effectiveness of epidemic prevention of COVID-19 is one of the world's top countries, it is still neglected. However, enthusiastic medical groups continue to gain international recognition by connecting to platforms from various countries. Although the association and Taiwan Patient Safety Culture Club (TPSCC) aresmall in scale, they are still included in partnership list in Taiwan of US Patient Safety Movement Foundation(PSMF). In addition, it is the first charity organization from Taiwan to successfully join the movement. Chairman Chan Liao Mingi of the Association is recognized by the organization and officially becomes the representative of this organization in Taiwan to promote patients safety movement.

Activity Video of Walk for Patient Safety and Light UP the Opera House in Orange in 2020-Click Me
Thank you for reporting on Focus News, Dongsen News, Sina News, PChome News, UDN, and Jen-Ai Hosptial.
