Community Health Care Lecture 【Sincere Words From the Heart】 in 2020 by Rotary Club of Taichung

Sincere Words From the Heart
1.The latest image diagnosis and identification of lung cancer 
2.The experience sharing of using ultra-low radiation dose computer tomography “Canon 640 Aquilion One”

Lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer death in Taiwan for 10 consecutive years. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, more than 9,000 people died of lung cancer in 2018.
🌸Prevention is better than cure. How did the lung cancer happen?
🌸Is air pollution PM10 and PM2.5 related to lung cancer?

🌸Date: 27th of July (pm19:00-20:00)
🌸Location: Rotary Club in Dali
🌸Lecturer: attending physician of Department of Radiology, Jen-Ai foundation
             Executive Secretary of Taichung Private Jen-Ai foundation